A Scrumdiddlyumptious Wonka Party!

Every kid should have a Wonka party! 

Set the perfect scene for your listening party with the following downloads, treat ideas and decorating tips. Then post photos of your creations on Instagram and tag #ndvmusical2020


Candy Wrapper or Placemat

Wonka Fizzing Lifting Drink

Golden Ticket

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Create your own Lollipop Centerpiece by shaping modeling clay onto Styrofoam balls and attaching them with craft sticks into a decorative bowl. Your lollipops can be plain colors or you can create fruit pops, cupcakes etc.

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Some other ideas to decorate are: 

Make cupcakes using cardstock for the base and felt with stuffing for the cupcakes. Then, decorate them with jewels or paint. Spread real sweethearts candy on the table or make them using craft foam and sweetheart stickers. 

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