Parker Krumplitsch - “Mike Teavee”

Krumplitsch, Parker - Mike Teavee.jpg

Parker Krumplitsch was born in Newport Beach, California, and moved to San Francisco when he was four years old. He has gone to school at Notre Dame des Victoires since kindergarten. He loves playing all sports, especially soccer and basketball. Parker is the NDV Ecology Commissioner and is active in the student council and CJSF. His favorite subject is math. Parker plays the character “Mike Teavee” in the radio show, Willy Wonka Jr.  Mike Teavee is a gamer and could spend every waking hour in front of a screen. Parker says he is excited to perform, but this is his first and last appearance in a musical theater production. Next year, Parker will be attending Stuart Hall High School - go Knights! His life motto is: “You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow ... This opportunity comes once in a lifetime.” - Eminem


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